<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=723312331036218&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1"> Why Are You Avoiding Social Media ROI?

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Webinar Series

Why Are You Avoiding
Social Media ROI?

With Darryl Praill
CMO, Agorapulse
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About the seminar

Picture this: the CMO from one of your key accounts just called and, uh oh, here it comes…their business is slowing down. The economy just isn't going in the right direction. The budget is getting chopped. You've been in the game long enough to know the dialogue that's coming next, and all you can think of is the lost billings from them taking their social media management back in-house.

So, how did we get here?

Simple, it's because you are not aligned on what really matters. You are killing it with getting engagement and starting conversations on social. Still, your CMO counterpart is stressing about answering their CEO about top-of-funnel results and ROI on marketing spend as the pressure ratchets up. We are going to have a spicy conversation to compare and contrast these competing perspectives and ultimately answer that age-old burning question -- what is the value of social media?

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  • Shift from a reactive to a proactive results-driven mindset.

  • Measure what really matters on social.

  • Develop a scalable framework to provide transparency on KPIs.

  • Minimize the impact of an unfavorable macroeconomic environment.

  • Avoid the consequences of not measuring ROI.


Darryl Headshot
Host Darryl Praill CMO, Agorapulse

Darryl Praill is the CMO at Agorapulse. He is a funny, high-energy, in-demand event host and panel moderator, a Top 50 keynote speaker, an accomplished award-winning marketer and creator, a social media influencer, and a serial entrepreneur. Darryl has raised $100 million in venture capital and only been fired once.

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Host Stephanie Liu Director of Communications Agorapulse

Stephanie is a digital marketing strategist with 15 years of ad agency experience. She has been named as one of the Top 50 Digital Marketing Thought Leaders by the University of Missouri St. Louis, and had her work recognized and awarded by Forbes, Online Marketing Media And Advertising, PR Daily, Forrester, and Gartner 1to1 Media.

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Nicholas Petroski Founder of Promethean Research

As the founder of Promethean Research, Nick helps digital firm owners create sustainable growth strategies and better understand their industry. Prior to co-founding Promethean, Nicholas worked as an equity analyst at a Wall St. firm, where he covered the enterprise software and semiconductor industries. When he's not at his desk you can find him hiking around the Midwest or making elaborate firewood in his woodshop.

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